Sydney Taylor - Title IX Coordinator, Instructor
320 E. Culver Rd.
Knox, IN 46534
(574) 772-5500
Statement of Policy
The policy of Knox Beauty College is to provide equal opportunity in education and employment and not discriminate on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, part- or full-time status, disability, race, national origin, color, age, marital status, creed, religion, or status as a veteran of war. Prohibited sex discrimination includes sexual harassment (unwelcome sexual conduct of various types) and violence.
Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination. It occurs in a variety of situations which share a common element: The inappropriate introduction of sexual activities or comments into the work or learning situation, the creation of relationships of unequal power and/or elements of coercion, such as requests for sexual favors as a criterion for granting work, study, or grading benefits. Sexual harassment may also involve relationships among peers of repeated sexual advances or demeaning verbal behavior resulting in a harmful effect on a person's ability to study or work in the academic setting. In addition, third parties may submit claims if a sexual relationship unfairly confers preferential treatment to participant(s) in the relationship.
Procedure for Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Complaints
(1) Any student or employee who believes that he or she has been the subject of discrimination or sexual harassment should report the incident or incidents to the Title IX Coordinator, hereafter referred to as the coordinator. If the complaint is against that official, the complainant should report the matter to Toni Palm. The college encourages the timely reporting of any incident(s) of discrimination or sexual harassment.
The coordinator may be reached by mail, phone, or email (provided above).
(2) All reports of incident(s) made to other personnel will be forwarded to the coordinator for coordination and a determination on how to process the complaint.
(3) The student or employee who files a complaint alleging discrimination or sexual harassment (the complainant) may submit a brief written statement of allegations to the coordinator. If the complainant does not submit a written statement, the coordinator shall prepare a statement of fact which is approved by the complainant. That statement will be forwarded as well to the subject of the complaint, who may choose to submit a response.
(4) The coordinator shall conduct a thorough investigation. The investigation shall include, but is not limited to providing the complainant and the respondent the opportunity to state their positions equally, interviewing witnesses, and reviewing relevant documents. The investigation shall be concluded within a reasonable time, normally thirty days. The investigation may include a hearing to determine whether conduct occured, but is not a requirement.
(5) At the conclusion of the investigation the coordinator shall set forth his or her findings and recommendations in writing.
(6) If the coordinator determines that disciplinary action should be instituted against an employee, the applicable provisions of employee rights and responsibilities shall be followed. These provisions include but are not limited to, state and federal consitutional and statutory provisions, rules Washington office of financial management, and college policies.
(7) If the coordinator determines that disciplinary action should be instituted against a student, the applicable provisions of the college student code shall be followed.
(8) If the coordinator determines that disciplinary action is not appropriate and the complainant disagrees, the complainant may appeal, in writing, to Toni Palm.
(9) The procedures regarding complaints of discrimination shall be published and distributed as determined by the coordinator. Any person who believes he or she has been subjected to sexual harassment will be provided a copy of this policy and procedure.
(10) Any student or employee has the right to have their name withheld on any published document to preserve their privacy.
Non-Retaliation, Intimidation and Coercion
Retaliation by, for or against any participant (complainant, respondent, or witness) is expressly prohibited. Retaliatory action of any kind taken against individuals as a result of seeking redress under the applicable procedures or serving as a witness in a subsequent investigation dealing with harassment/discrimination is prohibited and is conduct subject to discipline. Any person who thinks he/she has been the victim of retaliation should contact the coordinator immediately.
Disciplinary Process
The Knox Beauty College disciplinary process will include a prompt, fair, and impartial investigation and resolution process. Investigators and hearing board members are trained on the issues related to domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking, and taught how to conduct an investigation and hearing process that protects the safety of the complainant and promotes accountability. The process provides:
The complainant and the respondent each have the opportunity to be advised by an advisor of their choice, at their expense, at any stage of the process and to be accompanied by that advisor at any meeting or hearing.
The complainant and the respondent will be notified in writing of the outcome and results of any disciplinary proceedings.
The complainant and the respondent each have the right to appeal the outcome of the hearing and will be notified in writing of the final outcome after the appeal is resolved.
Knox Beauty College may impose sanctions on the respondent following a final determination of disciplinary procedures for sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking.
Possible sanctions range from educational outcomes to suspension or expulsion from Knox Beauty College.
Employees may be subject to discipline, up to and including termination of employment.
Sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking may be found to be criminal acts which may also subject the respondent to criminal and civil penalties under federal and state law.
Protective Measures
Knox Beauty College can provide protective measures for the complainant in the form of changes in academic counseling, and no contact orders.
Knox Beauty College recognizes all valid orders of protection, no contact orders, restraining orders, or similar lawful orders. If you have a valid order, please inform Knox Beauty College to receive appropriate services. To learn more about protection orders contact the Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence (ICADV) hotline at 1-800-332-7385.
Additional information and statistics are available upon request.